GIF Search Engine

  • GIF Search Engine: Utilizes GIPHY API to provide an extensive library of GIFs.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Developed using Quasar Framework and Vue.js, ensuring a seamless and responsive experience across various devices.
  • Advanced Functionality: Incorporates complex features like real-time search, categorization, and favorites.
  • Responsive Design: Crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience, adapting layout and functionality for different screen sizes and orientations.

Skills Showcased:

  • API Integration: Expertise in integrating and manipulating third-party APIs like GIPHY for dynamic content retrieval.
  • Front-End Development: Proficient in using Vue.js and Quasar Framework for creating engaging and interactive web interfaces.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensured the app is compatible and performs well on different devices and platforms.
  • User Experience Design: Focused on creating user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interfaces.

This portfolio is a testament to my passion for developing applications that are not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to use. I am committed to leveraging the latest technologies to bring creative ideas to life