Todobia: Personal Task Management Application

An intuitive, ad-free, and locally-stored task management application I have built using a combination of modern web technologies. This project effectively exhibits my proficiency in both front-end and back-end development, as well as my ability to design a user-friendly interface.

Technology Stack

  • Front-end: Vue.js, Quasar
  • Back-end: Capacitor Cordova
  • Development Environment: VS Code

Key Features

  • Todobia is designed with simplicity and user experience in mind. It requires no user registration, allowing you to focus more on completing your tasks rather than navigating a complicated interface or dealing with intrusive ads.
  • The application offers robust task management, allowing users to schedule daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks. Each task is safely and privately stored directly on your device, ensuring both convenience and data security.
  • An additional feature of Todobia is its web version, accessible via, broadening the app’s accessibility for users who prefer working from a desktop environment.

Design and Development Approach My approach in building Todobia was to prioritize efficiency and usability. I implemented Vue.js with Quasar Framework to construct a responsive, lightweight front-end. For the back-end, I chose Capacitor Cordova to manage data storage securely on the user’s device. All development was carried out in Visual Studio Code, my preferred integrated development environment for its robust feature set and versatility.

This project was an excellent opportunity for me to solidify my skills and explore new challenges in app development. I believe Todobia demonstrates my technical capabilities, creative problem-solving skills, and commitment to delivering high-quality, user-focused applications.